Sunday 17 December 2017


for my W.I.T me and Aria filled boxes with toys and stuff like that to the children in the children ward.

there was only 3 baby so we didn't get to hand them out.

we needed some help taking the boxes so we invited Ashley to help us.
on our way to the children's ward we visited Ashley's granddad.

Thursday 23 November 2017


this is a limerick story that doesn't make any sense I did not make this story by myself i made it with my friend Taryn. and this is the limerick we created

(8) there once was a fat stinky goat
(8)who wanted to float in a boat
(5)he saw a big bee
(6)that was stuck in a tree
(8)and no one would vote for the goat 

the numbers are they are they are how many syllables there is in the sentence.

My teacher thinks

Image result for fiji water parksMy teacher thinks I am reading when I am actually exploring a COOL water park in Fiji.
Image result for subway surfers logo png
My teacher thinks
I am listening when I am really cuddled up with my teddies on my bed playing subway surf.

Image result for butter chickenMy teacher thinks I am writing when I  am really scoffing my face with yummy delicious food.  

Wednesday 13 September 2017

my kowhaiwhai

My Kowhaiwhai Art

I designed this stencil to represent me and my mum. With this stencil I flipped it to make the design for my ko whai whai then slid the stencil along the paper. Next we chose our colour's to paint, I picked The colour yellow because I thought it would stand out more then I painted the koru a silver and glued silver glitter on top. I like the way my ko whaiwhai turned out because it stands out the way I wanted it to.

That was my Holidays

 Marbles       baking           fun
           All blacks   stalking          exiting
       Deluxe diner  eating           delicious
      Paritutu rock    climbing     high
       Pools            hydroslides    dark
       Air port        surprised         funny     
      Dad               drove away    hilarious
Fruit mandala    salivating       creative

    Cousins     air bed               great
that was my holidays

Thursday 27 July 2017

Millipede Information Report

Fascinating Millipedes  Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 10.40.24 AM.png

Wow! Did you know that every segment on a millipede’s back is two legs? Imagine how many legs a millipede would have if it had 800 segments that would be a lot of legs.

Life Cycle
The female millipede can be lay up to 35 sticky eggs at once. When the baby millipedes hatch they only have 4 pairs of legs but they shed their skin as they grow. Each time the baby millipedes shed their skin they develop more body segments and legs.

Millipedes that make their homes outdoors are prey to birds, including domestic chickens, Ground beetles, ants and spiders may also hunt young millipedes.

Millipedes inhabit areas under rocks, in the leaf litter, in rotting logs and occasionally in burrows which are all known as micro-habitats.

One day if you find a millipede you could probably use some of these facts to keep your pet millipede alive and remember that millipedes do have families too so make sure that you let them out after you have finished observing them.
Written by Lucia

Micro-habitat a habitat which is of small or limited extent and which differs in character from some surrounding more extensive habitat.
Domestic a pet that can also be a wild animal.
Conclusion "finally, to sum up," and is used to introduce some final comments at the end of a speech or piece of writing.
Inhabit small habitat for animals

Monday 3 April 2017

when i grow up

When I grow up I want to be a paramedic because I can ride in a ambulance and maybe save someones life. To be a paramedic you have to be able to keep calm and get on with your job. You have to be good at maths too because it is a good tool to use in an emergency. 

      That is my job when I grow up.

Image result for ambulance